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10 Calculated Risks That Lead To Startup Success - Forbes

The challenge every startup faces is to avoid the bad risks, while actively seeking and managing the smart risks. There are no guarantees in business, but it pays to learn from the experiences of entrepreneurs and business experts who have gone before you.

Here is a sample of smart risks that investors look for in new startups:

Implement a modern real business model

"Providing everything free, and growing users to the max for years, like Twitter and Facebook, is a high risk approach requiring deep pockets. Risk is more manageable with subscriptions and even freemium pricing. Even non-profits need revenue to cover their costs, and continue to provide services."

Find a strategic partner to accelerate growth

"Everyone wants to forge ahead all alone, and kill every competitor in sight. Almost always, risks are more predictable when you use coopetition for access to new customers, economies of scale, and shared resources. Finding win-win deals is a manageable risk, versus a battle with one winner."

Use metrics to measure results of marketing initiatives

"Too many entrepreneurs put all their resources in one big make-or-break effort they can’t measure, or they count on word-of-mouth and viral marketing, which are totally unpredictable. I like marketing plans that come from both inside and outside the box, but have milestones and measurements."

Read the other seven calculated risks here:

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